The team in NL and DE

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Limbourg & Partners, recruitment consultants with a unique drive

Meet our enthusiastic team. Each and every one of them is a Master in matching!

The Netherlands | Australiëlaan 17 | 6199 AA Maastricht Airport (HQ)

T +31 (0)43-358 5432 | E

Harry Kikken_Limbourg & Partners
Harry Kikken

Managing Director

+31 (0)6-2054 4191

Jacco Kempen_Limbourg & Partners
Jacco Kempen

Managing Director

+31 (0)6-2063 4950

Basil Scherders

Managing Consultant, Limbourg Project Professionals

+31 (0)6-2395 5841

Wesley Slegers

Managing Consultant, Limbourg Project Professionals

+31 (0)6-4601 8387

Catja Timp

Office Manager

+31 (0)43-358 5432

The Netherlands | Keppelseweg 13 | 7001 CE Doetinchem

T +31 (0)314-231 031 | E

Hugo Zomer

Managing Consultant

+31 (0)6-1698 7425

Germany | Königsallee 14 | 40212 Düsseldorf

T +49 (0) 211 13866380 | E

Harry Kikken_Limbourg & Partners
Harry Kikken

Managing Director

+31 (0)6-2054 4191

Jacco Kempen

Managing Director

+31 (0)6-2063 4950

Eliza Brieskorn

Senior Consultant

+49 (0)151-22271079

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